Astute players are aware that certain methods of play tend to be less effective on particular types of roulette wheels, thus, it is crucial for one to be able to spot any visual differences. What is specific about the wheels is that many of them include European-style ball tracks and low-profile ball pockets, which may be an obstruction to players attempting to use prediction methods.Īlthough there are a number of variations in construction, every roulette wheel has physical vulnerabilities. These wheels are manufactured solely for the US market and feature a double zero and the American number sequence.
Nowadays, it is a practice among US casinos to import their roulette wheels from suppliers located in Europe, with one of them being the UK-based John Huxley. The last of the most noted US roulette craftsmen, Paul Tramble, retired in 1996, while his business was taken over by Bud Jones Gaming Supplies in Las Vegas. In the past, almost all of the roulette wheels at US casinos were produced domestically by renowned masters such as Benteler, Tramble, Wills, etc.